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Gazette of the Ministry of Finance of the People's Republic of China
No.11 (23) July 19,2001
Gazette (Chinese Ver) Search
Title Author Page
Circular of the Ministry Of Finance and the State AdministratiOn of TaxatiOn concerning PolicieS on the lmpositiOn of Income Tax on Donations by Taxpayers to Undertakings of Compulsory EducatiOn in the Rural Areas  
Resolution Of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress On Approval Of the Central Final Account fOr the Year 2000 5
Report On the 2000 Final Account Of the Central Government Xiang Huaicheng 5
Circular Of the Ministry Of Finance and the Ministry Of Agriculture concerning Matters Relating tO the lssuance Of Unified Certificates Newly Produced by the Ministry O{Finance tO Organs Specializing in the Appraisal Of the Assets Of Township Enterprises and tO Appraisers Of Registered Capital Of Township Enterprises 11
Circular Of the Ministry Of Finance and the Ministry Of Land and Resources On the Printing and Distribution Of the Interim Measures for the Financial Management of Fees for Paid Use of Land Newly Taken over for Construction Purposes 12
Circular Of the People's Bank Of China,the Ministry of Finance,the Office Of the Leading Group fOr Economic Development Of lmpoverished Areas under the State Council,and the Agricultural Bank Of China On the Printing and Distribution Of the Provisions Governing the Poverty-Relif Discount Loans 14
Circular Of the Ministry Of Finance On the Printing and Distribution of the lmplementing MeaSUres for the Reimbursement of Funds for Comprehensive Agricultural Development 16
Circular Of the Ministry of Finance on the Printing and Distribution Of the Fourth Five—Year Plan concerning the Nation—wide Publicity of and Education in the Financial Legal System 18
Circular Of the Ministry Of Finance concerning the Amendment of Some of the Clauses Of the Agreement on the Re-lending of State Bonds 21
Circular of the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration Of Taxation concerning Policies On the lmposition Of Value-added Tax On Fees fOr Waste Water Treatment 24
Circular Of the Ministry Of Finance on the Printing and DistributiOn Of the Interim Measures for the Layout of Primary and Middle Schools and Projects Launched for Similar Purposes 24
Circular of the Ministry of Finance concerning the Turning over of Incomes from Sales of State—held Shares tO the NatiOnal Treasury and the Management of Fund Correspondence between the Central Treasury and the National Social lnsurance Fund 30
Circular of the Ministry Of Finance,the State DevelOpment Planning CommissiOn and the State Grain Reserve AdministratiOn concerning Extension of the Range Of Experiment with Direct AllocatiOn of Funds from the NatiOnal Treasury for the ConstructiOn Of State Reserve Grain Depots 31
CirCular Of the Ministry Of Finance and the State Development Planning Commission on the Printing and DistributiOn Of the Measures Governing the Use of Funds Specially Earmarked for the Investigation of the Costs of Farm Produce 35
Circular of the Ministry Of Finance and the Ministry Of lnformation lndustry concerning CancellatiOn Of Items Of Funds of a Government Type SuCh as Fees for lnitial lnstallatiOn Of Telephones and Postal and Telecommunications Surcharges 38
Circular of the Ministry Of Finance and the State AdministratiOn of TaxatiOn concerning Continual Enioyment of Pertinent Preferential Policies on lmport Duties by the Technical Centers Of Enterprises(Groups) 39
Circular Of the Ministry Of Finance and the State AdministratiOn of Taxation concerning lssues Relating tO the ExemptiOn Of Pesticide and Raw Pesticide from Valued—added Tax at the Link Of lmport 39
CirCUlar Of the Ministry Of Finance and the State AdministratiOn Of TaxatiOn concerning lssues Relating to Levying Of Business Taxes on Cableway Operations 43
CirCUlar Of the Ministry Of Finance and the State Bureau Of Coalmine Safety Supervision concerning lmprovement Of Management of Penalties for Coalmine Safety Cases 43
CirCUlar Of the Ministry Of Finance on the Printing and Distribution of Explannations about Implementation of the Accounting System of Enterprises and the Pertinent Rules 44

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