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Gazette of the State Council of the People's Republic of China
No.15 (1014) May  30,2001
Gazette (Chinese Ver) Search
Title Author Page
Open A New Century Of SinO—Latin American Friendly COOperatiOn——Speech tO the United NatiOns EconOmic CommissiOn fOr Latin America and the Caribbean President Jiang 2emin Of the PeOple's Republic Of China 6
Circular Of the State COuncil On Further lmprovement Of Experimental Work in Rural Tax—Fee Reform 9
CirCular Of the State COUncil On TranSmiSSiOn Of the PropoSalS Of the Ministry Of PUbliC Security On PrOmOting Household RegistratiOn Management SyStem in Small Cities and Towns 13
PrOposals On PrOmOting Household RegistratiOn Management System in Small Cities and Towns 13
Message Of President Jiang Zemin tO Dr.GrO Harlem Brundtland,General Secretary Of the World Health OrganizatiOn,On Themes Of the WOrld Health Day 2001 15
Message Of Greetings frOm President Jiang Zemin tO Vladimir Voronin Upon His ElectiOn tO the PreSident Of MOldOva 16
Foreign Ministry News Briefings on April l0,2001 16
Circular On lssuing"Proposals On Strengthening ConstructiOn Of the TechniCal InnoVatiOn Service SyStem fOr Small and Medium—Sized EnterpriSeS” State EConomiC and Trade COmmiSSiOn 16
PropoSals On Strengthening ConstructiOn Of the TechniCal InnoVatiOn Sevice System fOr Small and Medium—Sized Enterprises 17
Circular Of the Ministry Of FinanCe on Issuing"StipulatiOns Of AccOunting On Handling Of Tax Refunds for Limited-Liability COmpanies 18
StipulatiOns Of Accounting On Handling Of Tax Refunds fOr Limited—Liability COmpanieS 18
Circular On ISSuing the "PropOSalS Concerning SubSidy Policies fOr MediCal EStablishments” Ministry Of Finance,State Development Planning COmmissiOn and Ministry Of Health 19
PrOpOsals Concerning Subsidy POlicies fOr Medical Establishments 19
Circular On TaxatiOn PoliCieS Concerning MediCal and Health lnstitutionS MiniStry Of FinanCe and State AdminiStratiOn Of TaxatiOn 22
Circular On lssuing"MethOds Of Tax ReduCtiOn and Exempti0n On Expenditures in Use Of the PrOspecting and Mining Rights Ministry Of Land and ResOurces and Ministry Of Finance 23
MethOdS Of Tax ReductiOn and Exemption on EXpenditures in USe Of the Prospecting and Mining Rights 23
Circular on ISSUing "Interim Measures on Providing and Utilizing Geological Data fOr Public Welfare" MiniStry Of Land and Resources 25
Interim Measures on Providing and Utilizing Geological Data fOr Pubic Welfare 25
CirCUlar on lssuing”Interim Measures On Separated Management Of DrUg lncome and Expenditure in HospitalS” Ministry Of Health and Minitry Of Finance 26
Interim Measures on Separated Management Of Drug lncome and Expenditure in HospitalS 26
irCUlar on ISsuing"Implementation ProposalS fOr Management Of ClaSSified MediCal 1nstituti0ns in Cities and Towns MiniStry Of Health,State AdminiStration Of Traditional Chinesc Medicine,Ministry Of Finance and State DevelOpment Planing COmmission 29
Implementation ProposalS fOr Management Of ClaSSified Medical 1nstitutionS ln Cities and Towns 30
CirCUlar on lssuing"SUggeStions on the Practice in WhiCh PatientS Can COnSUlt with DOCtors Of Their ChOice tO Promote the Inner RefOrm Of MediCal InstitutionS" Ministry Of Health,and State AdministratiOn Of Traditional Chinese Medicine 32
SUggeStiOnS on the Practice in WhiCh PatientS Can Consult With DOCtOrS Of Their ChOice to Promote the lnner Reform Medical lnStitutions 32
NOtiCe on TransmissiOn Of the "CirCUlar Of the General Office Of the State Council On Transmission Of Supplementary PrOpOSalS Of the People's Bank Of China and Other Departments Concerning the Management Of Student Loans,and on ISsuing the”Managerial MethOds Of People's Bank Of China on Student loanS" People's Bank Of China 33
Circular Of the General Office Of the State Council on Transmission Of Supplementary ProposalS Of the People’S Bank Of China and Other DepartmentS Concerning the Management Of Student LOanS 34
Supplementary ProposalS on Management Of StUdent Loans 34
Managerial MethOdS Of the People'S Bank Of China on StUdent Loans 34
Circular Of State AdminiStratiOn Of TaxatiOn on Problems Concerning Income Tax on Enterprises WhiCh Have Been Merged But DO BUSinesses Of Their Own 36
CirCUlar on ISsuing"Managerial MethodS on QualifiCatiOn Certification and SupervisiOn on Agencies Of Drug Public Bidding" State Drug AdministratiOn and Ministry Of Health 38
Managerial MethOds on Qualification Certification and Supervision on Agencies of Drug Public Bidding 39
CirCUlar OB ISSUing”GUide tO MethOdS Of PlaCing StOCkS fOr Legal PersonS China Securities Regulatory Commission 42
GUide tO MethOdS Of PlaCing StOCkS fOr Legal Persons 42
Decree NO.8 0f the State Bureau Of Surveying and Mapping 43
Managerial Provisions on Surveying and Mapping Qualification Examination and CertificatiOn 44
Official Letter Of Reply Of the State Council tO Agreement With HUbei PrOVince's Proposal tO Cancel Yichang County and Establish Yiling DiStriCt Under JurisdictiOn Of Yichang CitY and tO ReadjUSt Partial AdministratiOn DiVisiOns in Yichang City 47
Official Letter Of Reply Of the State Council tO Agreement With Tianjin Municipality tO Change the StatUS Of Baodi County tO Baodi District Under the Jurisdiction of TianJin Municipality 47
Official Letter Of Reply Of the State Council tO Agreement With Hunan Province's Proposal tO Readjust Its Admministrative DivisiOn Of Hengyang City 47
Presidential Decree Of the People's Republic Of China on APPOintments and Removals 48

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