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Gazette of the State Council of the People's Republic of China
No.18 (1017) June  30,2001
Gazette (Chinese Ver) Search
Title Author Page
Circular Of the State Council on Further Accelerating the Development Of Tourist Industry 5
DecisiOn Of the State Council on Straightening Out and Standardizing Market ECOnOmic Order 7
Circular of the State Council On Readjustment Of Members Of the State Scientific,Technological and Educational Leading Group 11
Circular Of the State COunCil On TransmiSsiOn Of the Report Of the PeOple’s Bank Of China on the SituatiOn Of EnterpriSeS Evading and AboliShing Financial Debts 12
Report on the Situation Of EnterpriSeS Evading and Abolishing Financial Debts 12
MeSSage Of GreetingS from ChineSe PreSident Jiang Zemin tO LaO PreSident Khamtay Siphanhdone on the 40th AnniverSary Of the EStablishment Of Diplomatic RelatiOnS Between China and Laos 15
Message Of Greetings frOm Chinese Premier Zhu ROngji tO LaO Premier Bounyang VoraChit On the 40th AnniverSary Of the EStabliShment Of DiplomatiC RelatiOnS BetWeen China and Laos 15
Remarks Of Foreign Ministry Spokesperson On April 26,2001 16
Foreign Ministry News Briefings on April 26,2001 16
Foreign Ministry NewS Briefings On May 2,2001 17
CirCUlar On ISSUing"PrpOSalS On Strengthening the COnStructiOn Of State Key EnterpriSe Technology CenterS” State EconomiC and Trade CommiSSion 17
PrOpOSalS On Strengthening the COnstruction Of State Key EnterpriSe Technology Centers 18
Decree NO.81 0f the Ministry Of Construction Of the People'S RepubliC Of China 19
SUperViSOry RegUlatiOnS On ImplementatiOn Of CiVil Engineering COnStruction Mandatory Standards 19
Decree of the Ministry Of Communications(No.7,2000) 21
Methods fOr Implementation Of Four Systems in Highway COnstructiOn 21
Decree Of the MiniStry Of Communications (No.8,2000) 27
MethodS On SuperviSiOn and Management Of Highway COnstructiOn 27
Decree Of the Ministry of Communications(NO.9,2000) 32
Regulations on Domestic Waterway CargO TranSportation 32
DeCree Of the Ministry Of COmmunicationS(NO.10,2000) 41
RegulatiOns on Handling of Port Cargos 41
Circular Of the State Taxation Administration on Collecting TurnoverTaxes on Financing and Leasing Businesses 45
Circular Of the State Taxation AdministratiOn On Certain Problems Of Business TaxatiOn Po1icy On Foreign-Capital Financial InstitutionS 46
Circular Of the State Taxation Administration on COllecting IndiVidual lncome Taxes On the Employed Of Lawyer's Offices 47
Official Letter Of Reply Of the State Council on Agreement With PrOpOsal Of Ministry Of Finance tO Issue Sovereign External Debts 48

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