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Gazette of the State Council of the People's Republic of China
No.6 (1005) February  28,2001
Gazette (Chinese Ver) Search
Title Author Page
Decree NO.298 0f the State Council Of the PeOple's Republic Of China  
MethOds fOr the lmplementatiOn Of the Law Of the PeOple's Republic Of China On the ProtectiOn Of Miliitary Facilities 6
Written Approval Of the State Council On AuthOrizing Nanjing Lukou International Airport tO Issue Visa-Upon-Arrival 10
Circular Of the General OffiCe Of the State Council On lssuing the ReSponsibilitieS Of the Member Departments Of the National Narcotics COntrol CommissiOn 11
ResponsibilitieS Of the Member DepartmentS Of the National NarcotiCS COntrol CommiSSiOn 11
OffiCial Letter Of Reply Of the General OffiCe Of the State Council On ISSUeS Concerning the AugmentatiOn Ofthe Concurrent Member Departments Of the State Family Planning CommissiOn 15
Telegram Of COngratulations From President Jiang Zemin Of the PeOple's RepubliC Of China tO IOn lliescu On HiS EleCtiOn tO the PreSident Of Romania 16
Telegram Of COngratulations From President Jiang Zemin Of the PeOple's Republic Of China tO George W .Bush On His E1ectiOn tO the President Of the United StateS of America 17
Joint Communique of the Fifth Regular Meeting of the Premier of the People's Republic of China and the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation 17
JOint Communique Of the People's Republic Of China and the Federal Republic Of Yugoslavia 19
JOint Communique Of the People's Republic Of China and the Republic Of Armenia 20
JOint Declaration Of the PeOple's Republic Of China and the SOCialist Republic Of Vietnam on All—Round COOperation in the 21st Century 22
Decree NO.5 0f the CommiSSion Of Science,TechnologY and Industry fOr National Defense Of the People's Republic Of China 24
MethOds fOr the lmplementation Of Administrative Review Of the Commission Of Science,Technology and lndustry fOr NatiOnal Defense 24
Decree NO.4[2000] Of the MiniStry Of RailWay and the Ministry Of Foreign Trade and Economic COOperatiOn Of the People's Republic Of China 28
Interim MethOds fOr the Examination and Approval and Administration Of Foreign—Funded Railway Freight TransportatiOn Sector 28
Decree NO.5 0f the Ministry Of Railway Of the People's Republic Of China 30
MethOds fOr the Administration Of Driving Security Of Foreign Capital and Local Railways 31
Decree NO.4[2000] Of the Ministry Of CommunicatiOns Of the People's Republic Of China 33
MethOdS fOr the AdminiStration Of Bid lnvitation fOr Water Transportation Engineering Projects ConstructiOn 34
Decree NO.12 0f the Ministry Of Health Of the People's Republic Of China 39
Interim ProvisiOns fOr the Administration Of Medical Qigong 40
Decree NO.3 0f China MeteorolOgical AdministratiOn 42
MethOdS fOr the AdminiStratiOn Of PreventiOn and Reduction 0f Thunder DiSaSterS 43
Written Approval Of the State COUncil tO Shanghai Municipality on Revoking the Status Of Fengxian COunty and Establishing Fengxian District 45
Written Approval Of the State Council tO Shanghai Municipality on Revoking the Status Of Nanhui County and Establishing Nanhui District 46
Written Approval Of the State Council tO Beijing Municipality on Revoking the Status Of Daxing County and Establishing Daxing District 46
Written Approval Of the State Council tO Zhejiang Province on Adjusting Part Of the Administrative Areas Of Shaoxing City and Moving the Seat Of the People'S Government Of Shaoxing County 47
Written Approval Of the State Council tO Yunnan Province on Revoking the Status Of Zhaotong Prefecture and Establishing Prefecture—Level Zhaotong City 47
Written Approval Of the State Council tO Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region on Adjusting Part Of the Administrative Areas Of Urumqi City 48
Decree Of Appointments and Removals Of the State Council Of the Peoplet's RepubliC of China 48

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