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Gazette of the State Council of the People's Republic of China
No.2 (1001) January  20,2001
Gazette (Chinese Ver) Search
Title Author Page
Lecture at the Luncheon Of the APEC Industrial and Commercial Summit Of Year 2000 President Jiang Zemin Of the People'S Republic Of China 6
Speech at the Eighth APEC Informal Summit Meeting President Jiang Zemin Of the People's Republic Of China 8
Presidential Decree No.37 0f the PeOple'S RepubliC Of China 10
National Written and SpOken LangUage law Of the PeOple'S RepUbliC of China 10
Presidential Decree No.38 0f the People'S RepubliC Of China 12
Resolution Of the Standing Committee Of the National PeOple'S COngress On Amending the Fishery Law Of the People'S RepubliC Of China 13
Fishery Law Of the People'S Republic Of China 17
Presidential Decree NO.39 0f the People’s RepubliC Of China 22
Resolution Of the Standing Committee Of the National PeOple'S Congress On Amending the Law On the ProtectiOn Of the RightS and Interests Of Returned Overseas Chinese and the Family Members Of Overseas Chinese 22
Law On the PrOtectiOn Of the RightS and Interests Of Returned Overseas Chinese and the Family Members Of Overseas Chinese 24
Decree No.296 0f the State Council of the People's Republic Of China 26
Safety SupervisiOn Regulations Of COal Mines 26
Decree NO.297 0f the State Council Of the People,S RepubliC Of China 31
Regulations Of Financial AssetS Management Companies 31
Circular Of the General Office Of the State Council on ISSuing the PrOViSions on the Functions,Internal Structure and Establishment Of the Board Of DirectOrs Of National SOCial Security Fund 33
ProviSiOns on the Functions,Internal StrUCtUre and EStabliShment Of the Board Of DirectOrs Of NatiOnal SOCial Security Fund 34
OffiCial Letter Of Reply Of the General Office Of the State Council on ISsues Concerning the AdministratiOn Of Examination and RatificatiOn Of H0ldlng EconomiC and Trade Exhibitions Abroad 35
JOint Declaration Of the People's Republic Of China and the Kingdom Of Cambodia on the Framework Of Bilateral Cooperration 35
Remarks Of Foreign Ministry Spokesperson on October 6,2000 37
Foreign Ministry NeWS Briefings on OctOber l0,2000 37
Remarks Of Foreign Ministry Spokesperson on Octoberl3,2000 37
Foreign Ministry News Briefings on Octoberl3,2000 38
Foreign Ministry NeWs Briefings on OctOber24,2000 38
Foreign Ministry NeWS Briefings on November2,2000 38
Decree NO.9 Of the Ministry Of labor and Social Security Of the People's Republic of China 39
MethOds fOr the Application and Grant Of Unemployment lnsurance Proceeds 39
Circular on lssuing the Directive Proposals on Further Deepening the Reform Of Internal Distribution Systems Of Enterprises Ministry Of labor and Social Security 41
Directive PrOposals on Further Deepening the RefOrm Of Internal Distribution Systems Of Enterprises 42
Decree NO.3 Of the Ministry Of lnformation lndustry Of the people's Republic Of China 44
ProvisionS fOr the AdminiStratiOn Of BBS ServiCe 45
Interim ProviSiOns fOr the AdminiStratiOn Of Release Of News by Websites Issued by the lnfOrmatiOn Office Ofthe State Council and the Ministry of Information lndustry 46

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