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Gazette of the State Council of the People's Republic of China
No.8 (1007) March  20,2001
Gazette (Chinese Ver) Search
Title Author Page
Circular on lssuing the"Proposals on Standardizing Shareholders' Meetings Of Listed Companies China Securities Regulatory Commission  
PrOpOsals on Doing A GOOd JOb Of Agricultute and Countryside WOrk in the Year 2001 The CPC Central Committee and the State Council 4
Circular Of the State Council on Transmission Of the Report Of the State Planning Commission on the Special Checkup Of the Situation Of Tuition Fee Collection at Primary and Middle Schools in the Countryside 10
Report On the Special Checkup Of the Situation Of TuitiOn Fee Collection at Primary and Middle Schools in the Countryside 11
Message Of Greetings from Premier ZhuRongji tO New Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra Of Thailand 16
Circular Concerning lssuing the "Requked Conditions and Methods fOr Checking and Confirming the Software Production BaSeS Under the State TOrCh PrOgram" Science and Technology Department 16
Required COnditiOnS and MethodS fOr COnfirming the Software Production BaSeS Under the State Torch Program 17
Circular Of the State TaxatiOn AdministratiOn On Foreign-Funded EnterpriSeS Engaged in COnsulting BUSineSS and TaxatiOn PrOblems Concerning FOreign-Funded Enterprises 17
Circular Of the State Taxation AdministratiOn Exempti0n Of IndiVidual Income Tax for Unemployment lnsurance Premiums 19
Circular Of the State TaxatiOn AdminiStratiOn On ISSUing the "DeductiOn MethOdS fOr Enterprise lncome Tax BefOre Taxes Are Paid." 19
Pre-TaxatiOn Oeduction Methods for Enterprise lncome Tax 20
Circular Of the State TaxatiOn AdminiStratiOn On ISsuing the"Managerial Methods for COmpenSatiOn and ExemptiOn Of Enterprise lncOme Tax fOr FOreign-Funded Enterprises and FOreign Enterprises lnvesting in the Purchase Of Made—in—China Equipment" 26
Managerial MethOdS fOr COmpenSatiOn and ExemptiOn Of EnterpriSe lncome Tax for FOreign-Funded Enterprises and FOreign Enterprises lnVesting in Purchase Of Made-in-China Equipment 26
Circular on lssuing "Implementation Methods for Financial Management Of Rural Credit Cooperatives" State TaxatiOn Administration and People's Bank Of China 28
Implementation MethOds for Financial Management Of Rural Credit Cooperatives 28
CirCUlar on lssuing Regulations Related tO Retail-Chain Pharmacy Enterprises Pharmaceuticals Supervision and Management Bureau 42
Regulations Concerning Retail—Chain Pharmacy Enterprises 42
Proposals on Standardizing shareholders 'Meetings Of Listed companies 44

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