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Gazette of the State Council of the People's Republic of China
No.7 (1006) March  10,2001
Gazette (Chinese Ver) Search
Title Author Page
CirCUlar on Issuing the Proposals on the Establishment Of Warning SyStem Against Newspapers and Periodicals That Violate the AdminiStrative Regulation and Discipline and the Detailed RuleS fOr the lmplementatiOn Of the Warning System Against Newspapers and Periodicals That Vi0late the AdministratiVe RegulatiOn  
Address at the Spring Festival Reception Premier ZhuRongji Of the People's Republic Of China 6
Written Approval Of the State Council On the EStabliShment Of the China Aluminum Industry Corp. 7
Member Units Of the China Aluminum Industry Corp. 8
Circular Of the General Office Of the State Council On lssues Concerning Further lmprovement in the Handling Of Official Documents 8
Circular Of the General Office Of the State Council On Carrying Out Check Of Grain Depots Nationwide 9
Members Of the Leading Group fOr the Check of Grain Depots Nationwide 12
Circular Of the General Office Of the State Council On lssuing the Proposals Of the Ministry Of Land and Resources and the Ministry Of Agriculture on the Protection Of the Lawful Land Rights and Interests Of State-Owned Farms by Law 12
Proposals On the Protection Of the Lawful Land Rights and Interests Of State-Owned Farms by Law 13
Telegram Of Condolence From President Jiang Zemin tO the New Leader Of the Democratic Republic Of Congo on the Death Of Laurent Kabila 15
Telegram Of Congratulations From President Jiang Zemin tO Gloria Macapagal Arroyo on Her Assumption Of the President Of the Republic Of Philippines 15
Telegram From President Jiang Zemin tO the President Of the Republic of lndia EXpressing Sincere Solicitude tO the Relatives Of the Victims Of the Earthquake in the State Of Gujarat 16
Telegram Of Condolence From Premier Zhu Rongji tO the Prime Minister Of the Republic Of lndia on the Loss Of Life in the Earthquake in the State Of Gujarat 16
Telegram From Premier 2hu Rongji to the Chief Executive General Of the Islamic Republic Of Pakistan Expressing Sincere Solicitude tO the People in the Earthquake-Stricken Areas and the Relatives Of the Victims 16
Foreign Ministry News Briefings on January 4,2001 17
Foreign Ministry News Briefings on January 21,2001 17
Foreign Ministry News Briefings on February l,2001 17
Foreign Ministry News Briefings on February l,2001 17
Circular on RaiSing the Pensions fOr Part Of the Government Pension RecipientS Ministry Of Civil Affairs,Ministry Of Finance 18
Decree NO.57 0f the Ministry Of Justice Of the People's RepubliC Of China 20
Detailed Rules for the InsinuatiOn Of Testaments 21
Decree NO.59 0f the Ministry Of Justice Of the People's Republic Of China 23
Methods for the Administration Of Grassroots Legal ServiCe Offices 23
Decree NO.60 0f the Ministry Of Justice Of the People's Republic Of China 28
Methods for the Administration Of Grassroots Legal ServiCe Workers 29
Circular on Follow-Up lssues Concerning the Change Of the Administrative Disciplinary Measures Against PubliC Servants Ministry Of Personnel 35
Decree NO.77 0f the Ministry Of Construction Of the People's Republic Of China 35
Provisions fOr the Qualification AdminiStration Of Enterprises Engaged in Real Estate Development 36
Decree NO.78 0f the Ministry Of Construction Of the People's Republic Of China 39
Interim Measures fOr Recorded AdministratiOn Of Completion and Acceptance Of Housing Construction and Municipal Capital lnfrastructure Projects 39
Circular on Limiting Or Banning Granting Of Loans tO Projects InvolVing Backward Production Capacity,Technologies and Products That Are tO Be Abolished and Redundant Projects People's Bank Of China,State Economic and Trade Commission 40
and Discipline Publicity Department Of the CPC Central Committee,Press and Publication Administration 42
Proposals on the Establishment Of the Warning SyStem Against Newspapers and Periodicals That Violate the AdministratiVe RegulatiOn and Discipline 42
Detailed RuleS fOr the lmplementation Of the Warning SyStem Against Newspapers and Periodicals That Violate the AdministratiVe Regulation and Discipline 44
News Briefings Of the Spokesperson Of the Taiwan Affairs OffiCe Of the State Council on November 30,2000 45
Written Approval Of the State Council to Hebei Province on Adjusting the AdminiStratiVe Areas Of the Districts Under the Jurisdiction Of Shijiazhuang City 47
Written Approval Of the State Council tO Guangdong Province on EStabliShing Maogang District Of Maoming City 48

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