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Gazette of the State Council of the People's Republic of China
No.3 (1002) January  30,2001
Gazette (Chinese Ver) Search
Title Author Page
Speech at the Meeting Marking the First Anniversary Of the Establishment Of the Macao Special Administrative RegiOn President Jiang Zemin Of the People's Republic Of China 5
Presidential Decree No.40 0f the People's Republic Of China 6
ResOlutiOn Of the Standing COmmittee Of the National PeOple's Congress On Amending the Law of the People's Republic Of China on Chinese-Foreign Contractual Joint Ventures 7
Law Of the People's Republic Of China On Chinese-Foreign Contractual Joint Ventures 7
Presidential Decree No.41 0f the People's Republic Of China 10
ResOlutiOn Of the Standing Committee Of the National People's Congress On Amending the Law Of the PeOple's Republic Of China On Foreign Capital Enterprises 10
Law Of the People's Republic Of China On Foreign-Capital Enterprises 11
Circular Of the State Council On lssuing the National Ecological Environment Protection Program 12
National Ecological Environment Protection Program 13
Circular Of the State Council On the lmplementation Of the Resolution Of the Standing Committee Of the National People's Congress On Strengthening Examination and Supervision Of Central Budget 18
Written Approval Of the State Council On the General City Planning Program of Xiamen City 20
Written Approval Ofthe State Council On the General City Planning Program Of Baotou City 21
Written Approval Of the State Council On lssues Concerning the Disputed Areas Along the Administrative Boundaries Between Hunan Province and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region 23
Circular Of the General Office Of the State Council On lssuing the PropOsals Of the Ministry Of Communications and Other Departments On Rectifying Road Passenger and Freight Transportation Order 24
Proposals On Rectifying Road Passenger and Freight Transportation Order 24
Official Letter Of the General Office Of the State Council On Revoking the Restriction for Beijing,Shanghai and Guangdong Taking Turns tO Host the National Games 27
Telegram From President Jiang Zemin tO Singapore President S.R.Nathan Expressing Sincere Solicitude tO the RelatiVes Of Victims and the Wounded Of the Singapore Airplane Accident 28
Telegram Of CongratulatiOns From Premier ZhuRongji tO the Conference Marking the International Day Of Solidarity With the Palestinian People in New York 28
China's NatiOnal Defense in 2000 InfOrmation Office Of the State Council 29
Presidential Decree Of Appointments and Removals 47
Circular on the AppOintmentS and Removals OfTwo OffiCials Of the Government Of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 48

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