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Gazette of the State Council of the People's Republic of China
No.20 (1019) July 20,2001
Gazette (Chinese Ver) Search
Title Author Page
Order No.49 0f the President Of the People's Republic Of China 6
Iaw Ofthe People’S Republic Of China On the AdministratiOn OfTax Collection 6
Order No.50 0f the President Of the People's Republic Of China 16
Trust Law Of the People's Republic Of China 16
Resolution Of the Standing Committee Ofthe National People's Congress On Further Dissemination Of and Education in the Legal System 22
Decision Of the Standing Committee Of the National People's Congress On the Ratification Of the Treaty between the People's Republic Of China and the Lao People's Democratic Republic Concerning Legal Assistance in Civil andCriminalMatters 23
Decision Of the Standing Committee Of the National People's Congress On the Ratification Of the Agreement On the TripOint Of the BOundaries between the People's Republic Of China,the Republic Of Tadjikistan and the Republic of Kirghizia 24
Decision Of the Standing Committee Of the National People's Congress On the Ratification Of the Treaty between the People's Republic Of China and the Republic ofthe Philippines COncerning Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters 24
Circular Of the State Council On Approval and TransmissiOn Ofthe Guiding Proposals Submitted by the Ministry Of Public Security on Development Of the Fire Control WOrk during the Tenth Five-year Plan 24
Guiding Proposals on Development Of the Fire Control Work during the Tenth Five-yearPlan 25
OffiCial Reply Ofthe State Council on the Overall Urban P1anning Of the Shanghai Murlicipa1ity 28
Circular Of the General Office Of the State Council on Printing and Issuing of the Provisions on the Function Disposition,Internal Structure and Personnel Of the Office Of the CommiSSioner Of the Ministry Of Foreign Affairs in the Macao Special Administrative Region 30
Provisions on the FunctiOn DiSpositiOn,Internal Structure and Personnel Of the Office Ofthe CommiSSioner Ofthe Ministry Of Foreign AffairS inthe Macao Special Administrative Region 30
Circular Of the General Office Of the Strate Council on Continually Deepening theJoint Campaign fOr Strictly Cracking down on lllegal ActiVities and Crimes Of Producing and Selling Fake or Substandard Commodities 31
Circular Ofthe General Office Ofthe State Council on TransmiSSion OftheProposals Submitted by the Ministry Of Land and Resources and the Ministry Of Construction on Strengthening the Work for Prevention and Control Of Geological Disasters 33
Proposals on Strengthening the Work for Prevention and Control Of Geological Disasters 33
Circular Of the General Office Of the State Council on Furthering the Work Of Communicating Guidelines and Policies Of the State to Enterprises for lmplementation 35
A Letter Of the General Offiice Of the State Council in Reply tO the Question Regarding the Legal Status Of the Employees'Internal Shareholding Meeting in Foreign Economic Cooperation and Trade Enterprises 36
Circular on lmplementing Resolution NO.1343 Of the Security Council Ofthe United Nations Ministry Of Foreign Affairs 36
Resolution No.1343(2001) 37
JOint Declaration Ofthe People's Republic Of China and the Republic Of Byelorussia 41
The Spokesperson Of the MiniStry Of Foreign AffairS at News Briefings on May 10,2001 43
The Spokesperson Of the Ministry Of Foreign AffairS at News Briefings on May 11,2001 43
Decree NO.82 0f the MiniStry Of ConstructiOn Of the People'S RepubliC Of China 44
Measures on Administration Of Bid lnvitation and Bidding for Design Of Construction Projects 44
Decree NO.3 Of the State AdminiStration Of Radio,Film and TeleviSion,the Ministry Of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation and the Ministry Of Culture 47
Interim ProviSions on Foreign lnvested Cinemas 47

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