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Gazette of the State Council of the People's Republic of China
No.1 (1000) January  10,2001
Gazette (Chinese Ver) Search
Title Author Page
Circular Of the General OffiCe Of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office Of the State Council on the All-Round ImplementatiOn Of an Open Administration SyStem atTownship-LeVelGOVernmentS 5
Circular Of the General Office Of the CPC Central Committee and the General OffiCe Of the State Council on COntinuing the Ban on Officials at All-LevelS tO Pay Visits and New Year CallS tO EaCh Other During the New Yeal and Spring Festival 8
China and AfriCa—USher in the New Century Together-SpeeCh at the Opening Ceremony Of the Forum On China-AfriCa Cooperation——Ministerial ConferenCe Beijing 2000 President Jiang Zemin Of the People's Republic Of China 8
AddreSS tO the InternatiOnal COnferenCe On Engineering and TechnologiCal SCienCeS PreSident jiang Zemin Of the People's RepubliC Of China 11
Decree NO.294 0f the State Council Of the People's Republic Of China 12
Interim RegulationS Of the People'S Republic Of China On the VehiCle PurchaSing Tax 13
Decree NO.295 0f the State C0uncil Of the People's RepubliC Of China 15
RegulationS on the ProteCtion Of RadiO and TV FaCilitieS 15
CirCUlar Of the State CounCil on SeVeral P01icy MeasureS for Westerm DeVelopment 18
CircUlar Of the State Council On Ratifying and Issuing the Program for the lmplementation Of TraffiC and Vehicle TaxeS ReformS 23
Program for the lmplementation Of TraffiC and VehiCle TaxeS ReformS 23
Circular Of the State COunCil on Strengthening Works COncerning Water Supply,Water SaVing and PreVention and COntrOl Of Water P0llution in CitieS 28
Circular Of the State C0unCil on the ReductiOn Of lnCOme Tax On DepoSit IntereSt lncOme That FOreign EnterpriSes Get in China 32
CirCUlar Of the General OffiCe Of the State COunCil On ISSUing the PrOgram fOr the lmplementatiOn Of SystematiC ReStructuring Of Engineering ProSpecting and DeSign InstitutionS Under the JuriSdiction Of the Central Government That is Formulated by the MiniStry Of COnStruction and Other Departments 32
PrOgram fOr the lmplementation Of SyStematic ReStructuring Of Engineering Prospecting and DeSign lnstitutionS Under the JuriSdictiOn Of the Central GOvernment 33
Decree NO.18 0f the State EcOnOmic and trade CommissiOn,State Development Planning COmmissiOn and the Ministry Of FOreign Trade and EcOnOmic COOperatiOn Of the People's Republic of China 43
CatalOg Of the SuperiOr lndustries in the Western RegiOn That Are Opened tO FOreign Investment 43

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