Opinion of the People s Government of Beijing Municipality on Encouraging Non-governmental Entities to Run Education Programs and Promoting Privately Funded Education (jingzhengfa 〔2018〕 No.26) |
Circular of Beijing Municipal Education Commission and Beijing Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau on Printing and Issuing the Standards of Beijing Municipality on Establishing Privately Funded Training Institutions (Interim)(jingjiaomin〔2018〕No.10) |
Circular of Beijing Municipal Education Commission and other Departments on Printing and Issuing the Measures of Beijing Municipality for Categorized Registration of Privately Funded Schools (jingjiaomin〔2018〕No.11) |
Circular of Beijing Municipal Education Commission and other Departments on Printing and Issuing the Measures of Beijing Municipality on Managing and Supervising For-profit Privately Funded Schools (jingjiaomin〔2018〕No.12) |
Circular of Beijing Municipal Education Commission on Printing and Issuing the Provisional Measures of Beijing Municipality on Establishing and Managing Special Inspection Teams on Pre-school Education (jingjiaoxueqian 〔2018〕 No.14) |
Circular of Beijing Municipal Education Commission on Printing and Issuing the Opinion on Building and Managing the Sportsground with Synthetics at Elementary and Middle Schools (jingjiaojian〔2018〕No.l7) |
Circular of Beijing Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau on Including the 17 Anti-cancer Drugs Negotiated by the Central Government into Beijing's Drug Reimbursement Scheme for Basic Medical Insurance, Employment Injury Insurance and Childbirth Insurance (jingrensheyifa〔2018〕No.218) |
Circular of Beijing Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau on Providing Employment and Entrepreneurship Service for Residents from Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan (jingrenshejiufa〔2018〕No.237) |
Beijing Local Standards 2018biaozi No.15(total serial No.234) |