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Gazette of the Supreme People's Court of the People's Republic of China
No.3 (71) January  1,2001
Gazette (Chinese Ver) Search
Title Author Page
Marriage laW Of the People’s Republic Of China 76
NOtificatiOn Of the Supreme People’s Court Regarding SeriOus Study and Correct APPlicatiOn Of Marriage Law Of the People’s Republic Of China 78
Bringing the Functional Role of Trying the Administrative Disputes into Full Play,and Safeguarding,Improving and Standardizing the Market——oriented Economy Order By Li Guoguang 79
Name List Of SPC Judges Removed By the Standing Committee Of the NatiOnal People’s Congress 82
The Supreme People’S Court RegulatiOns on the lssues Of Trial Of Juvenile Criminal Case 83
The Supreme People’s Court The Supreme People’s Procuratorate InterpretatiOn Of the Issues Of Specific law ApplicatiOn in Handling the Criminal Cases Of Producing and Marketing Fake or SUbstandard Commodities 85
The Supreme People’s Court Regulation on the lssUeS Of Law ApplicatiOn in Handling the Cases Concerning Assets Resulting from the Unhealthy Loans Of State---owned Banks in the Course Of Buying,Managing or Dealing With Them by the Financial Assets Management Companies 87
The Supreme People’S Court Reply on the Issues Of How to Convict the Acts Of Pyramid Selling or Disguised Pyramid Selling While the Circumstances Are SeriOus 87
The Supreme People'S Court InterpretatiOn Of the Issues of Law Application in Handling the Cases Of Labor Disputes 88
The Supreme People's Court Reply On the Issues Of Whether the People’s Court ShOUld Accept the Case Of Request frOm the Interested Party Who Holds the Order Of Payment Rendered by Relevant Court Of Taiwan for the RecognitiOn 88
The Supreme People’S Court InterpretatiOn Of the lssues Of Specific Law ApplicatiOn in Handling the Criminal Cases Of Illegally Manufacturing,Trading in,Transporting Guns,Ammunition or Explosive objects 90
The Supreme People’S COUrt Reply on the Issues Of How tO Convict the Crimes Of IntentiOnal Homicide Committed in the Course Of Robbery 92
The Supreme People's Court Reply on the Issues Of HOW tO Convict the Crimes Of Unlawfully Taking Possession Of the Money or Property Of His/Her Own Company by Taking Advantage Of His/Her PositiOn Committed by the Administrative or Managing Person in State—owned Assets Holding or Investing CorporatiOn,Ltd. 92
Case Of Beijing Defrauded Due to Serious Negligence Of Responsibility Committed by Zhao Chen When Signing the Contract 93
Case Of Dispute over Infringement:Ma Yanmei v.Qinghai Dongjian Trade&Construction Co.Ltd. 93
Case Of ObjectiOn to the JurisdictiOn over the Dispute Of Fraud on Letter Of Credit:Korea Xinhu Commercial Company v. Sichuan Europe-Asia Economics & Business Corporation,etc. 97
Case Of Dispute over the Infringement on the Rights to the ExcluSive Use Of Trade Mark:Fangfang Ceramic Factory v. Hengsheng Ceramic Construction Materials Factory 99
Case Of Dispute over Fishing Boat Insurance Contract:Wei Qinjian v. Property Insurance Ltd.PICC$ Xia Chuan Business Department,Tai Zhou Branch,China Agricultural Bank 101
Case Of Dispute over Insurance Contract Of Marine CargO TransportatiOn:China Arts &Crafts Corporation Shanghai Import &Export Company v. Shanghai Branch,China Pacific Insurance Company 105

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