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Gazette of the State Council of the People's Republic of China
No.23 (1022) August 20,2001
Gazette (Chinese Ver) Search
Title Author Page
Decree NO.305 0f the State COuncil of the People's Republic Of China 4
RegulatiOnS On AdminiStratiOn Of Demolishing HOUSeS in Cities and TOwnS 4
DecreeNO.3060ftheStateCOuncilOf出ePeople,sRepublkofCh 7
Rules for the lmplementation Of the Patent Law Of the PeOple's Republic Of China 22
Decree NO.307 of the State COuncil of the People's Repulic Of China 22
Measures fOr AdministratiOn Of Recycling Of Scrapped MOtOr Vehicles 22
DeCiSiOn Of the State COUnCil On the RefOrm and DeVelOpment Of Elementary Education 25
CirCUlar Of the State COUnCil On Printing and ISSUing Of the Interim MeaSUreS On AdminiStratiOn Of Reducing State ShareholdingS and RaiSing SOCial SeCUrity Funds 33
Interim MeasureS On AdminiStratiOn Of Reducing State ShareholdingS and RaiSing Social Security Funds 33
CirCUlar Of the State COunCil On Printing and ISSuing Of the OUtlineS Of China fOr Poverty Relief and Development in Rural Areas(2001-2010) 34
Outlines Of China fOr Poverty Relief and Development in Rural Areas(2001—2010) 34
Official Reply Of the State COuncil On lssueS Relating tO Renewal Of ReSident Identity CardS in Second VersiOn 39
OffiCial Reply Of the State COuncil On ApprOving the AdjuStment Of the Agency Of the Harbin CustOms Office in Daqing intO the Daqing CustOms Office 40
CirCUlar Of the General Office Of the State COUnCil On TranSmiSSiOn Of the Report Submitted by the State DeVelopment Planning COmmiSsiOn COncerning the Quality Of COttOn and the Inspecti0n Of Market Management 40
A Report On the Quality Of COtton and the lnspecti0n Of Market Management 41
CirCUlar Of the General Office Of the State Council on Transmission Of the Proposals SUbmitted by the State EconomiC and Trade CommiSSion Concerning Deepening the Reform Of the Silkworm Cocoon CirculatiOn System 43
PrOposalS on Deepening the RefOrm of the Silkworm Cocoon CirculatiOn SyStems 43
A Letter Of the General Office Of the State Council Replying fOr EStabliShment Of the Chongqing EXport Processing Area 45
A Letter Of the General Office Of the State COuncil Replying tO ChangChun City tO Approve the Bidding fOr the Sixth Asian Winter Game in 2007 46
Circular on Republishing the Interim Measures fOr Administration Of QUalifications fOr ValuatiOn Of Exploration RightS and Mining RightS 46
Interim Measures fOr AdminiStratiOn Of QUalifications fOr ValUatiOn Of Exploration Rights and Mining Rights 46
Official Reply Of the State Council on APProving the Agreement on the Administrative Boundaries JOintly Demarcated by the People's GovernmentS Of Chongqing Municipality and SiChUan Province 48

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