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Gazette of the Supreme People's Court of the People's Republic of China
No.1 (69) January  1,2001
Gazette (Chinese Ver) Search
Title Author Page
NotificatiOn Of the Supreme People’s Court Regarding the Print Of Regulation(trial) Of Civil Cases 4
Name List Of SPC Judicial Personnel Appointed and Removed By the Standing Committee Of the National People’s Congress 9
Interpretation of the Supreme People’s Court Regarding Certain Matters Of Specific Law Application in Trial Of Cases Of RObbery 10
Interpretation of the Supreme people’Court Regarding Specific Law ApplicatiOn in Trial of Criminal Cases Of Sabotaging Forest Resources 10
Interpretation of the Supreme People’Court Regarding Specific ApplicatiOn Of Law in Trial Of Criminal Cases Of Sabotaging Wild Animal Resources 12
Answer of the Supreme People’s Court Regarding the Matter Of When a Person Used a Hire—Purchased Vehicle for TransportatiOn and Caused Property Damages tO Others,the Party Keeping the Ownership Of the Vehicle Should not Bear Civil Liability 13
Answer of the Supreme People's Court Regarding Whether an Armyman Should Be Given Criminal Punishment for His Deserting from the Armed Forces at Non—Wartime 14
Answer of the Supreme People's Court Regarding Certain Matters in Trial Of Cases Of Incidental CiVil ActiOns for Criminal ActiOns 14
Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court Regarding law ApplicatiOn to the Act Of Altering Stamps or Reselling Altered Stamps 15
Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court Regarding Certain Matters Of Specific Law ApplicatiOn in the Trial Of Cases Of Crime Committed By OrganizatiOn With Characteristic Of Mafia 15
Answer of the Supreme People's Court Regarding Whether the Contract Signed by an Enterprise is Valid When lt Was Declared Bankruptcy by a People’s Court And Allowed to Engage in Business by the Court Before the Closure Of the Bankruptcy Procedure 16
Interpretation of the Supreme People’s Court Regarding Certain Matters Of the ApplicatiOn Of Security Law of the People’s Republic Of China 17
Regulation of the Supreme People’s Court Regarding Certain Matters Of the ApplicatiOn Of Property——Related Punishment 24
Answer of the Supreme People’S Court Regarding Whether the People’s Court Should Accept the Protest Lodged by the People’s Procuratorate on a Civil DecisiOn Of NOt Canceling an Arbitral Award 25
Regulation of the Supreme People’s Court Regarding Limits Of lncidental Civil ActiOns for Crimimal ActiOns 25
Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court Regarding Certain Matters Of Law Applications to Cases of Computer Net Copyright Disputes 26
Zhang Qi’s Financial Instrument Fraud Case 27
Case Of Dispute over Infringement Of Right Of Name:Shenhua Football Club v. Teleitong Trade CO. Ltd 28
Case Of Dispute over Damages CompensatiOn: Long Jiankang V.Zhongzhou ConstructiOn Engineering Company,Jiang Jianguo,and TransportatiOn Bureau Of Yongsheng County 30
Case Of Employment Contract Dispute:Chen Veili v.Lai Guofa 32
Retrial Case Of Goods Damages for Delay from Railway TransportatiOn Contract:Dispute Between Honglong Industry &Commerce CO.Ltd.,And Shanghai Railway Sub—Bureau Hejiawan StatiOn 33

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