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Gazette of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China
No.3  April  15,2001
Gazette (Chinese Ver) Search
Title Author Page
Speech Delivered by Chairman Li Peng at the Closing Ceremony Of the Fourth Session Of the Ninth National People’s COngress 165
Resolution Of the Fourth SeSSiOn Of the Ninth National PeOple’s Congress on the Outline Of the Tenth Five—Year P1an fOr the National Economic and SOcial Development and the Report 166
Report on the Outline Of the Tenth Five—Year Plan fOr the National Economic and SOcial Development Zhu Rongji 168
Explanation on the RevisiOn Of the Report on the Outline Of the Tenth Five—Year Plan fOr the National Economic and SOcial Development Zhu Rongji 180
Outline Of the Tenth Five—Year P1an fOr the National Economic and SOcial Development Of the People’s Republic Of China 182
Report on the Revision Of the Draft Outline Of the Tenth Five—Year plan fOr National Economic and SOcial Development ZhuRongji 205
Resolution Of the Fourth SeSSion Of the Ninth National People’s Congress on the Implementation Of the National Economic and SOcial Development P1an fOr the Year 2000 and on the National Economic and SOcial Development Plan fOr the Year 2001 208
Report on the Implementation Of the National Economic and SOcial Development Of the Year 2000 and On the Draft Of the National Economic and SOcial Development Of the Year 2001 Zeng Peiyan 209
Report Of the Finance and Economic Committee Of the Ninth National People’s Congress on Its Deliberation over the Implementation Of the National Economic and SOcial DevelOpment Plan fOr the Year 2000 and over the Draft Of the National Economic and SOcial Development Plan fOr the Year 200l Chen Guangyi 219
Resolution Of the Fourth Session Of the Ninth National PeOple’s Congress on the Implementation Of the Central and Local Budgets fOr the Year 2000 and on the Central and Local Budgets fOr the Year 2001 222
RepOrt on the Implementation Of the Central and Local Budgets fOr the Year 2000 and on the Central and Local Budgets fOr the Year 200l Xiang Huaicheng 223
RepOrt Of the Finance and Economic Committee Of the Ninth National PeOple’s Congress on Its Deliberation over the lmplementation Of the Central and Local Budgets fOr the Year 2000 and over the Central and Local Budgets fOr the Year 2001 Guo Zhenqian 230
Order Of the President Of the PeOple's Republic Of China(NO.48) 232
Decision Of the NatiOnal People's Congress on Revising the law Of the People’s Republic Of China on Chinese—Foreign Equity JOint Ventures 232
Law Of the PeOple’s Republic Of Chiua on Chinese—Foreign Equity JOint Ventures 233
Explanation on the Draft Amendment tO Law Of the People’s Republic Of China on Chinese—Foreign Equity Joint Ventures Gu Angran 235
Report Of the Law Committee Of the National People’s Congress on the Result Of Its Deliberation over the Draft Amendment tO Law Of the PeOple’s Republic Of China on Chinese—Foreign Equity Joint Ventures Wang Weicheng 237
Resolution Of the Fourth 5ession Of the Ninth National People’s Congress on the RepOrt on the WOrk Of the Standing Committee Of the National PeOple's Congress 239
Report 0n the WOrk Of the Standing COmmittee Of the National PeOple’s Congress LiPeng 240
Reso1ution Of the Fourth SessiOn Of the Ninth National PeOple’s Congress on the RepOrt on the WOrk Of the Supreme People’s Court 248
RepOrt on the WOrk Of the Supreme People’s Court Xiao rang 248
Resolution Of the Fourth Session Of the Ninth National PeOple’s Congress on the Report on the WOrk Of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate 257
Report on the WOrk Of the Supreme PeOple’s Procuratorate Han Zhubin 257
Measures fOr Voting on Proposals Made at the Fourth Session Of the Ninth NatiOnal PeOple’s Congress 264
Measures fOr Election Made at the Fourth SeSSion Of the Ninth NatiOnal People’s Congress 264
Report On Suggestions Regarding Handling Proposals Made by the Deputies at the Fourth Session Of the Ninth NatiOnal People’s Congress He Chunlin 266
Namelist Of the Members Of the Presidium and the Secretary—General fOr the Fourth Session Of the Ninth NatiOnal People’s Congress 276
Namelist Of the Executive Chairmen Of the Presidium fOr the Fourth SessiOn Of the Ninth NatiOnal People’s Congress 277
Namelist Of the Deputy Secretaries—General fOr the Fourth SessiOn Of the Ninth National People’s Congress 277
Announcement Of the NatiOnal People’s Congress 278

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