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Gazette of the State Council of the People's Republic of China
No.16 (1015) June  10,2001
Gazette (Chinese Ver) Search
Title Author Page
Circular Of the General Office Of the State Council On Further Strengthening Management Of Business Places Of Internet On-Line ServiCe 5
MethodS for Management Of Business Places Of Internet On-line ServiCe 6
Circular Of the General Office Of the State Council On Establishment Of a Leading Group in Charge Of National Rectification and Standardization Of Market Economic Orde 9
Circular Of the General Office Of the State Council On Transmission Of the lmplementation ProposalS Of the OffiCe Of Rectification Of Unhealthy TendencieS in Various Trades Under the State Council On the Work Of Rectification Of Unhealthy Tendencies in 2001 10
Implementation Proposals On the Work Of Rectification Of Unhealthy Tendencies in 2001 11
Foreign Ministry News Briefings On April l6,2001 14
Foreign Ministry News Briefings 0n April l7,2001 14
Remarks Of Foreign Ministry Spokesperson On April l8,2001 14
Decree No.54 0f the Ministry Of Public Security Of the People's Republic Of China 15
ReVised RegulatiOns On Management Of Clothing Of PeOple's Police Of Public Security OrganizatiOnS 15
Decree No.62 0f the Ministry Of Justice Of the People's Republic Of China 18
Managerial Methods On Registration Of Judicial Idendification Organizations 18
Decree No.63 0f the Ministry Of Justice Of the People's Republic Of China 21
Managerial Methods On Judicial ldentifiers 21
Circular On lssuing "Temporary Regulations on the QualificatiOn System Of Practicing Evaluators Of Mining Property Ministry Of Personnel and Ministry Of Land and Resources 24
Temporary Regulations On the Qualification System Of Practicing Evaluators Of Mining Property 25
Decree NO.2 Of the Ministry Of Information lndustry Of the PeOple's Republic Of China 27
Temporary Regulations On Management Of lnviting Bids and Entering Bids fOr Communication ConstructiOn ProjeCtS 27
CirCUlar Of State TaxatiOn AdministratiOn on Certain lncome Tax Questions Concerning Enterprises Investing Stock Rights 34
Decree NO.2 0f the State AdministratiOn Of RadiO,Film and Television 36
RegulatiOns on Management Of TV Plays 36
CirCUlar on Issuing"Certain Suggestions on Further Deepening the Reform Of Film Industry State AdministratiOn Of RadiO,Film and Television,Ministry Of Culture 40
Certain Suggestions on Further Deepening the Reform Of Film Industry 40
CirCUlar on Further lmprovement Of Distribution Management Of Publications Press and PublicatiOn AdminiStrati0n 43
CirCUlar Of lsSUing"Temporary MethOds fOr Management Of PublicatiOns Wholesale Markets Press and PublicatiOn Administrati0n 45
Temporary MethOds fOr Management Of PublicatiOns Wholesale Markets 45
Official Letter Of Reply on Agreement With Guangdong Province tO Cantel Doumen County and Establish Doumen District and Jinwan District Under the JurisdictiOn of Zhuhai City 47
Decree Of AppOintments and Removals Of the State Council Of the People's Republic Of China 48

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